Discovered that your teen is doing drugs and is at a loss for what to do? Don’t know what is the right way to react? Read this guide to mindfully handle the situation.
According to a recent BBC report this year, one in 10 teens in the UK has tried hard drugs including cocaine, ketamine, acid, ecstasy, acid and other psychoactive substances. The knowledge that your child is harming themselves is traumatic for any parent. Though what’s more important is helping your child manage, recover and most likely with support stop their usage of drugs.
Why is my kid on drugs?
The only way Hutchinson says parents can be sure if their teens are using drugs is “if they hear it directly from their mouth,” says Wells-based Elaine Hutchinson, the director of Creating Calm and a creative play therapist who largely counsels teens.
Often, chances are that kids are holding onto drugs for a friend, deliberating whether to try them out, or just have a prescription drug for medical reasons.
Hutchinson blames, “boredom, popularity amongst peers, curiosity or just because they want to do something rebellious” as the reasons behind why kids do drugs.
Expert Tip: “Parents must understand the teen perspective; where, unlike adults, they only see the ‘positives’ of drugs,” says Hutchinson. “Which is that it gives them a high and lets them escape an unpleasant situation.”
This also means that kids or teens don’t have the foresight that drugs will cause adverse long-term effects on their physical and mental health.
How should I handle my child doing drugs?
Hutchinson advises parents to break the taboo around issues like sexuality and drugs with students when they are young. As prevention is always better than cure.
Parents can start with initiating light conversations around the use and misuse of common drugs like caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol, that students often see being used by adults around them. This way parents can also vocalize boundaries on what drug usage is acceptable and non-acceptable for them.
Expert Tip: “Parents’ perspective on drugs will influence children’s own value judgment when they have an opportunity to try it themselves,” says Hutchinson.
Be the parent whose home the kids are most likely to always hang out.Hutchinson feels that this way parents can be aware of potential drug culture in their teens’ peer group and help them find other friends.
Hutchinson says understanding whether your teen's drug use is recreational or habitual is key to forming your reaction as a parent. While both situations are undesirable; in Hutchinson’s opinion “the former is better than the latter.” Moreover, a misjudged reaction will be a parenting mistake and make teens hostile.
Before judgement, Hutchinson advises that parents must first understand the motive behind their teens’ drug usage. This is because teens will only be open to considering another perspective on drugs if they feel that parents are ‘hearing’ their side too.
Expert Tip: “Parents can be firm in their opinion on drugs without being judgmental or losing their temper on kids,” says Hutchinson.
My children do drugs, how can I help them?
Hutchinson strongly advises parents to get specialist help when dealing with drug usage or addiction in teens.
Expert Tip: “More often kids know more about drugs than parents do,” says Hutchinson. “So giving them polarising information will not make them trust you.”
Expert Tip: “Reasure your child that while you might not approve of their use of drugs, you still love them unconditionally,” says Hutchinson. This will allow students to turn to their parents for advice and help.
Hutchinson says parents must make students aware that they are legally accountable for the drugs they are using.This isn’t a scare tactic but a hard truth that will prompt students to make a discerning decision on their drug choice and usage.
Such accountability questions will make students aware of the probable harmful consequences of their drug use. Which could most likely prevent them from using drugs irresponsibly or even refrain from it altogether!
There will be times when students will themselves in a situation where drugs are being used, but won’t know how to exit it due to peer pressure. Here is where Hutchinson feels parents can become the saviours.
These are ways in which, Hutchinson feels, kids know that with their parents – “they will never fall into trouble when asking for help.”
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This article was first published here.
Thu 02:30 am