At certain phases of our lives, we reach a block. When the ball doesn't seem to roll further despite our greatest efforts. Sometimes for weeks, months and at times for years. To be at ease with this phase, I've been trekking in the Himalayas.
This time when I reached the summit of Ranthan Kharak, a mountain in Uttarakhand, the wild-west of India, our trek leader from Indiahikes said to the team members of our group – “Congratulations. You must have a very strong “why” to be here, not everyone is destined to traverse the Himalayas.”
Why not? It’s too damn hard.
Gaining an altitude of 6472 ft and trekking 40kms over 4 days.
Trekking in rain, hail and hard sunshine that changes by the hour.
Climbing these rocky mountains till my knees can’t squat and feet develop blisters, shivering each night as temperatures drop to minus (I come from highly humid Bombay), comforted by dry toilets and sleeping bags, 12 hr tempo rides to the base camp and connecting flights that operate only in the wee hours of dawn.
Why would a city girl, accustomed to the greatest comforts do this to herself? Not once but thrice in the past year.
It’s not because it's beautiful; there are far more comfortable places to be if all you’re looking for is beauty. It's because it feels like coming home.
Studies have shown that time in nature — as long as people feel safe — is an antidote for stress: It can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.
The interiors of the Himalayas is the the womb of Nature. It’s where you’re under the roof of the world. So the benefits on the body and brain are 10x.
As part of my own holistic healing journey, trekking in the Himalayas has brought me to the other end of childhood trauma healing – one where re-wiring and re-parenting my nervous system have been a reality and not just a theory.
In the Great Himalayan Peaks where snow never melts, I have found my protector and my divine, my faith in the Universe which was denied to the little me, growing up.
Whether you’re struggling in business, love or life; go to nature.
Ask the mountains, the oceans, the forests and the rivers to guide you. The answers will come, in shapes, in colours , in seasons and in vibrations. But come, they shall.
Each time I return to the city from these majestic hills, with more hope, resilience, vitality and wisdom to write and live. And, when it begins to wear off, I take time to virtually travel back again and again, until its time to be with the snowy ones again.
This blogpost was first published here.
Thu 02:55 am